13 September 2009

Dream Diary

Ok...I've been awake now and I should have written this down right after I got up...but I had a weird weird dream.

Here's what I remember:
I was looking at the moon and it looked really different. It was amazing. Something weird was going on. It was super bright and the rays were making forms. Suddenly there were these explosions, like fireworks...but they had a lot of smoke ash and rock(?) coming down. Everyone was trying to take cover. I remember I was wearing shorts, cause I was thinking shoot, I wish I had worn pants today as the fallout came down on me.
Then it was like a science fiction movie. There were these shape-shifting aliens and they were trying to kill me. It was hard to know when it was them or when it was a friend of mine, cause they kept shape-shifting. You could figure it out if you paid really close attention. There was a lot of suspense and running. At the end a friend of mine was like, get in the car, they're coming for you. Then she was like, wait, my dog needs to pee. So she let the dog out to pee on the grass and then she peed on the dog. Me and another friend were waiting in the car, but then the other friend said "oh we forgot one thing" and signaled me to get out of the car for a second. Then she said "it's them-RUN!" and we narrowly escaped with our lives...I woke up as we ran away.

I usually wake up an hour earlier than today. I think the dream kept me spellbound, because I always wake up at the same time, give or take a few minutes. My heart was beating really fast when I woke up. I wonder what this means.


Kerri Rif said...

I'm going to analyze that dream. No not anal eyes. Analyze.
Sigh. I am a crazy woman.

Ok, so basically, reading this a week later (or however long it's been) it seems like I'm afraid of the world coming to an end and I don't trust people, ESPECIALLY my friends (to whom I am most vulnerable) I have to run from the chaos and destruction and to save my life. (aka U2's old ditty "Running to Stand Still).

If I was a guy, I'd definitely think this girl has issues, but I'd still be into me because a/I'm pretty awesome and b/I give a mean blow job. ha ha. Just kidding. ...Or AM I?!!!