I'm tired of seeing all my friends happy pictures with their loving spouses and children, feeling as lonely as I do. I mean, it's not like I'm not happy that they are happy, I am. Seriously though, how much loneliness can one person take? Why do these pictures taunt me?
Aren't I worthy of the same kind of love and fulfillment? I'm 41 and I've never had that. Only once have I really been "in love". I mean, sick in love...and how did that turn out? He broke my heart eight ways till Sunday. He abused my feelings for him, by taking them and using them to his benefit, never once giving me what I needed or wanted. He treated me like I was a vacation from his real life. Now, once again, I find myself in a "relationship" which is not really a "relationship" where he gets what he wants when he wants it, and then can take me or leave me until the next time we hang out.
Somehow, this is my fault. This pattern that I allow men to treat me badly is my fault. I just don't understand why I haven't met someone that sees the goodness and love in me and wants to engage in a loving relationship. I don't think I can make that happen, and yet on facebook, the majority of my high school friends and others I have made over the span of my lifetime, have found love and started families. I want that. I don't want to give up on it, and yet it feels like I am so mind numbingly alone since forever and that feeling stretches into infinity...
31 August 2009
Posted by Kerri Rif at 6:16 PM 2 comments
29 August 2009
Hoppy the Begging Bird
Yesterday, when I took my father out to lunch I saw something that touched me.
There was a little black bird, hopping around near the door of the restaurant with it's mouth wide open. Back and fourth it hopped, never once closing it's mouth. From it's erratic behavior, I could tell it was sick or just plain starving. I started to think, how clever it was for hopping around right in front of the door-like a little beggar. I had to go inside and find it some bread.
Then I started thinking...people get hungry too...the bird was symbolizing to me that there are creatures that need to be provided for. That same day I was driving and on the exit of the freeway that I had to get off at, there is always a homeless person begging with a sign. I thought as I approached, oh no, I just can't handle it today, my heart bleeds too much for these people and I just don't want to feel it.
When I slowed to a stop at the exit, there were actually four people begging at the light. I had never seen that before. I started thinking I need to make them sandwiches or...do something. Once I got to my destination, I cried because I felt so helpless.
Posted by Kerri Rif at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: helpless, homelessness, hunger
22 August 2009
This week has been THE most non productive week ever.
I just wasn't feeling well in any way. I need to shake myself out of this.
Most interesting part of the week: bought a Wii and a Wii fit.
Most interesting part of the week Part II: I'm returning it tomorrow. (I was also thinking maybe I'd just keep it an extra week and rent a few games, then return it, make it worth having done it in the first place. Yay for Costco)
I'm just not that into it and it cost $350 bucks all together. It's just not worth it to me. My cousin was saying, it takes a lot of time and effort to get good at some of these games...and I was like...ugh, I don't want to do that. The computer is enough of a time suck, not to mention the iphone and the movies and tv shows on my dvr and movies and tv shows backed up on my external hard drive. Oh, and the books I'm reading and art projects, etc. I just can't be bothered by this wii contraption.
I was invited to a little party for a girlfriend of mine that got married tonight-sorta last minute, but it's nice to be invited. I have been longing for some human interaction.
Oh yeah and last night I went over to my afore mentioned little cousin's house to play Wii resort. We also watched the season finale (my second time) of Nurse Jackie. Kind of a disappointing ending, but...we'll see what they do next season.
I will attempt to be more creative on here tomorrow. Check back. :)
Posted by Kerri Rif at 5:16 PM 0 comments
20 August 2009
Anyone? Beuller?...
Does anyone read my blog?? No one ever comments.
If a blog gets written in the forest...
Posted by Kerri Rif at 12:24 AM 1 comments
18 August 2009
iTunes Shuffle Fortune Telling for 8.18.09
So, I've written out 10 questions and/or topics...now I will put my iTunes on shuffle
and see if they address my questions...here goes nothing:
Waiting in Vain - Bob Marley
Ok, not sure how to interpret that. I'm gonna say it's not a negative...it just means, don't wait. Make it happen.
2. What will come of my love life?
The Beloved - Yusef
Cool. I'm gonna take that as a positive affirmation. (ps. Yusef is the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens)
3. What will happen with my father and his poor health?
Feel My Flow - Naughty By Nature
My interpretation of this one is just...go with the flow, it will take it's course and I should feel for him. (By the way, my dad is TOTALLY "naughty by nature" so that's ironic)
4. Will friends that wronged me ever set things right?
The Ballad of the Broken Birdie Records - Mum (from the album Yesterday Was Dramatic)
Not really an answer to the question, but on that topic I do feel kinda like a broken birdie...so...
maybe the key to it is just healing on my own and flying away. (and avoid drama!)
5. Will Obama do a good job?
WTF - Tittsworth (Feat. Kid Sister & Paserock) (DJ Deekline & Ed Solo Remix)
Politicians often make me say What The Fuck, so...I think he'll probably leave us scratching our heads trying to figure it out. Things are pretty crazy in the world right now...so yeah-wtf. Seems apt.
6. What is the meaning of life?
Lucky Charm/Intuition Acapella - Erland Oye
The meaning of life...part luck and part intuition. Seems about right. No surprises there.
7. What will happen with the person I am currently "seeing" (term used loosely)
RUN DMC - You Talk Too Much
Yeah, I guess that's true. Thanks Run. I'll shut up now about it. This one is probably best left alone anyhow. Harder said than done, though.
8. On the topic of my health:
A Minor Incident - Badly Drawn Boy
Well, I'd hardly call it minor-I do have a serious disease (Scleroderma) but maybe I can look at it like...not the thing I should be focusing on and even if I'm in pain, to view my health problems as minor and push past. Yeah, I like that!
9. On the topic of world peace (or the lack thereof)
Grey - Ani Difranco
As colors go, grey is muted. Not a happy color, kinda somber. Sorta muddy, if you will.
A grey day can be very cozy, though...still, if we're trying to read this as a fortune-I think it's not the most positive answer. Boo.
10. Do dogs go to heaven or have an afterlife?
Hysteric - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Granted this is a silly question. I just have been thinking about my dog Dudley a lot lately, since I had to have him put down on May 7, 09. It's been a little over 3 months and I just wonder about dogs and their souls. I don't think their souls are any less important than a human soul. I wonder about human souls and afterlife too....but that being said....
How does that answer the question?
Websters dictionary defines hysteria as:
1 : a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral functions
2 : behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess
I wouldn't say that I'm afraid or even that disturbed...and psychoneurosis does not sound good.
Let's just say...maybe it means, don't over think it. It is what it is.
So there you have it. iTunes Fortune Telling.
I think it was cathartic. Was it good for you?
(I'd love it if someone else would try this and comment on their findings.)
Posted by Kerri Rif at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Just writing to write.
Lately I'm having problems sleeping. I feel tired and worn out and like I've been fighting off something. Something wicked this way comes.
I don't really have anything interesting to say.
I'm boring myself, really.
Posted by Kerri Rif at 8:09 PM 1 comments
16 August 2009
Channeling creativity is a bitch.
I have so much within me-I do. Getting it out is like, hard, y'all.
Today I've had about twelve creative ideas and then they either slip away from me,
or they're not fully fleshed out and then I get distracted.
I think I need to be more conscious about writing them down, good or bad when they come up.
At least that way I can flesh them out and see them through the planning stages.
Maybe I'll go take some pictures and then see what happens with them.
Today I've thought about drawing, painting, using photoshop, writing, jewelry making and printing out photos for collage. I've done pretty much none of those.
OK, executive decision...I'm gonna go take some photos with the Nikon. I'll put them up if they come out good.
Let's all go do something creative.
What do you say?!
Posted by Kerri Rif at 6:03 PM 0 comments
15 August 2009
One says through her fake smile..."Oh my god, I'm going to fall in"...!
I actually said out loud, "THAT would be funny."
I didn't mean to be cruel. I don't even think they heard me.
I'm just sick of everything
being so predictable.
An untimely fall into a water feature would really brighten my day.
That's not nice.
A couple weeks ago someone did something that surprised me.
I mean, I completely did NOT see that coming.
I like the way it sort of left me feeling dizzy with thoughts of "what just happened?!!"
How mind went tripping and falling all over itself trying to categorize or make sense of
this unforeseen action.
Usually the days go by the same same same.
It's like how in old Flintstones reruns if they are in a car or walking, the scenery going by loops over and over.
I guess the animators were being lazy-either that or they were existentialists saying life is a redundant exercise, so get used to it.
I'm ready for different and new. For new ways of thinking and looking at things.
If my current situation is going to stay the same for a while, as it has been, then I'm going
to write stories in which I can experience new things and ideas.
The urge to write is becoming stronger and stronger. I think it's leading me somewhere.
...I like it, for a change.

Posted by Kerri Rif at 6:27 PM 0 comments
14 August 2009
Wave Goodbye
Tears caused a tsunami
And nobody cared
Till the water came up
And nobody was spared.
The sorrow was felt
By one and by all,
As masks were put on
Tears continued to fall.
The waters rose up
Now hard to ignore-
So they built lakeside homes
And they partied till four.
Now living in boats
They forgot of dry land.
They pretended they chose it;
That indeed this was planned.
The sound of the crying
At first was white noise
So they turned up their music
And played with their toys.
When the tsunami came
I think they were relieved-
It was just too much work
To pretend not to grieve.
Posted by Kerri Rif at 7:15 PM 1 comments
13 August 2009
Note to self:
"One of the biggest mistakes I see from novel writers is that they are trying to write for an audience, for an agent, for an editor or for the market. Uh uh uh. The job of a writer is to put truth--your particular truth--onto the page. You want to put the blood on the page, you want to dig deep into your soul and in a sense, the only person you should be writing for is you. Write the book you want to read. Make your novel a question that obsesses you personally and in writing it, dig deep and find the answer. When you concentrate so deeply on what is important to you, it will become universal--and then it will be important to others." -- Author Caroline Leavitt
Posted by Kerri Rif at 10:59 PM 0 comments
10 August 2009
Must push letters on keyboard....
Writing to you from inside my giant creativity suck hole...I think I just have to write through it, or I'll just stop all together and have to watch tv all day, munching anti depressants like they were bon-bons.
So yeah...here I am-writer. There you are...reader. Fuck, now what?!
I'll just free associate...just so long as some letters are getting typed into this computer thingy-then technically I'm "writing".
I feel like I'm sitting in a cube of jello lately. I can look around me but everything is distorted and I can move, but I feel like I'm moving underwater. Tired, sluggish, crabby, and no-not pms'ing. I am having spiritual pms. I'm not getting my flow-as it were.
Surrounded by things I should be doing, I peer at them like the enemy across the battlefield. Distractions taunt me. The books yell "read me, stupid!" and the t.v. blusters "turn me on baby, my dvr is full of fun!" Then the bed cries "if you're not going to make me, then get in me and stop fucking around on that damn computer."
I think I took that scenario too far. I am not so far gone as to think that the furniture is talking to me, don't worry-I'm good. ...Well...goodish. Ok, I'm so-so.
Immobility-that's the word that pops into my head. I feel so stuck in my rut. Like a needle skipping over a record constantly until you get so annoyed you have to get up and bump the turntable. I need to bump the proverbial turntable. I started gathering steam to try to motivate myself out of inactivity. Wait, try to motivate-that's sort of weak. Like I'll try to try.
I was trying-read previous blog posts...I was gung ho, as they say. Now this ho is not so gung, I guess. It's a constant battle, and I have to continue to fight the good fight. I use alot of cliches, don't I? Note to self: Stop using trite cliches. Note to self: saying note to self is a trite cliche.
Hey short attention span!!
Yes, I'm talking to you, twitterhead.
Keep your eyes on the blog-stop checking your facebook to see what John Hughes character your friends are...just keep writing.
But it's hard! The internet woos me like shiny things distract kittens. I just want to Wikipedia dragonflies. Michelle said she saw a bunch. I wonder if they have eyes. Woah they have great big eyes...bug out.
Ok...I'm writing I'm writing. See?! ...Letters. Words. Punctuation.
Just writing what comes into my head. If you are reading this you may not know what to make of me, and it's not really my place to tell you. Some people find politics fascinating. Some people read Danielle Steele. Some people are interested in what's going on in the world, while others are still fascinated by news of Michael Jackson's death and autopsy findings. It's a free country if you want to be an idiot there's nothing stopping you. In fact, that's the American dream. I think that's why our country is in trubs. Yeah, I said trubs. You knew what I meant. I can be cutting edge and still be viably hip. [Note to self: (which I said I wasn't going to do anymore but-fuck it) You are NOT hip. Just by using the word "hip" shows how very NOT you are.] I don't like politics or Danielle Steele. (Or Danielle Steele's politics, for that matter.)
Well, this particular writing exercise has reached it's witty zenith. That was not at all cathartic.
Thanks for nothing.
Posted by Kerri Rif at 5:08 PM 0 comments
09 August 2009
04 August 2009
Rise above, phoenix...oh wait, ashes first, right.
As I go through my hard times in life, I keep thinking it will get better. I know a positive attitude is what's going to get me through it and on to greener pastures, but jesus h. christ it's hard to remain positive.
Why do I always have to be the bigger person? Why do I always have to reach out to others and be loving, even when they're being hateful? What is it in me that pushes me forward to continue to be upbeat, loving, forgiving and caring-when it seems that the world treats me much the opposite?
Hell...ya got me. But like Dory the absent-minded fish in 'Finding Nemo' sang, "...Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...".
Posted by Kerri Rif at 5:38 PM 2 comments
02 August 2009
Ok, and note to self: No more blogging on Ambien. Ok, enough said.
Last week was a really tough week, but when I look back on it now, I see the growth that came out of it. I see now, with hindsight, that it not only happened for a reason, but that it needed to happen for several reasons. Not just for reasons that affect my life either. I don't want to sound to new age-y, but I am having some really deep spiritual epiphanies (aka a-ha moments) where like...stuff just sort of seems to be clicking in.
Not like I suddenly just am getting everything. That would be pretty far from the truth. I'd say the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. I've heard people say that before, but it never seemed more true. There are so many different levels to everything and really, it just depends on which one you happen to be concentrating on that you can actually see it. So, you kind of have to know of it's presence to be able to see it. In order to know some of these deep truths, you have to first spiritually intuit them, before you can even conceptualize of them. It reminds me of a story I heard in which an Indian medicine man keeps looking out over the water and eventually realizes something is different. He looks every day...barely seeing anything, but somehow realizing that there is a shimmer of difference which he does not understand. He looked and looked for many days...until he saw it. Ships were coming towards him. Now of course, he had no frame of reference, because he had no concept of a ship. Now, I don't know how true this is, but conceptually I understand what was meant by the story.
I need to stop drowning out my inner voices all the time with constant tv, computer, movies and music, (see earlier post on this topic) and start listening to and writing down the wisdom that comes to me in quiet moments. I need to have some more quiet moments. Easier said than done. Still, I'm saying it.
Posted by Kerri Rif at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Ok, let me just start by saying I am waiting for my Ambien to take effect. It often leads to groupings or words I may not ordinarily use. *blink* My mind is like...the floor of the stock exchange. There are bells ringing and people jumping up and down, future securities (which lets face it, seem bleak) I watch too much tv, and I spend too much time on my computer. When I'm away from this big ol' behemouth, i have my like girly iphone with interchangeable skins to match my mood swings. i need to be away from all this technocracy that has more than infiltrated my brain. i am becoming wiki-i know a little about a lot. it all makes me dizzy. in fact by bed is staring at me like-"you dumb ass, get your white ass in this bed. why does my room feel like it's rocking like a boat. ok. time to go play the capain of my bed. and stut off this infernal sturm and drunk. i think i may hurl.
peace out.
Posted by Kerri Rif at 12:41 AM 0 comments